They’re two fundamental disciplines that are integral to building our world. Now, campaigns have been launched to put surveying and geospatial science careers on the map for secondary school students in Queensland.
And as a career advisor, you can help them connect with an area that might just be the passion they never knew they had. Read below to learn more about the two areas, and about how you can get free career resources for your students and connections.
What surveying offers
Surveying has been around since ancient times. In fact, ancient Egyptians drew on surveying practices when building their society.
Surveyors use mathematics and increasingly technologically advanced equipment to measure and map the land. They do so in such a precise way that construction specialists, architects, urban planners and more base their entire work on the surveyor’s findings.
Like geospatial science, there is a skills shortage in the surveying profession – which means that demand for new workers is high, and job security is strong. On top of that, entry level wages are much better in these occupations than others.
You and students you know can read a lot more about surveying and why it is important across this website. One place to start is on the About Surveying page.
What geospatial science offers
Geospatial science uses land, map and geographic data to deliver intelligence, and that intelligence can and does shape our world.
It might be data that tells us where the most families are living in a particular suburb – which can be used to determine where the best place to build new schools and hospitals. Other information might show us which roads are most likely to undergo flooding during heavy rains. Geospatial science can have many, many applications, running the gamut from humanitarian, to gaming, to military and much more.
For something that not many people have heard of, geospatial science sure does have a big impact on our day-to-day lives. That’s why students who love geography, IT and design may be surprised and fascinated to learn of this potential study and career path. As well as the career resources you can request for free below, there is a lot of information on this fascinating field on the Geospatial Science website.
Free resources
There is a lot of information out there about surveying and geospatial science careers and study options. With the help of some key career resources, however, career advisors will be better placed to help students familiarise themselves with the options available to them.
Young learners may also be interested to learn about how they can become a surveying or geospatial science work experience student. They can register interest here for surveying work experience and geospatial science.