To become a land surveyor in Australia, the specific qualifications required may vary depending on the state or territory you plan to work in. However, in general, the following steps are typically required:
Formal Study
Complete a bachelor’s degree or diploma in surveying or a related field from a recognized institution in Australia. Some universities in Australia that offer accredited surveying programs include the University of New South Wales, RMIT University, and Curtin University.
Practical Experience
Obtain practical experience in the field of surveying. This may involve completing an internship or apprenticeship with a licensed land surveyor, or working in a surveying firm.
Apply for registration with the relevant state or territory surveying board. In some states, such as New South Wales and Queensland, registration is mandatory for anyone who wishes to work as a land surveyor.
Successfully complete the assessment requirements of the surveying board. This may include passing a written examination, demonstrating competence in practical skills, and completing ongoing professional development requirements.
It is important to note that the specific requirements for registration and licensing may vary by state or territory in Australia, and it is advisable to check the requirements with the relevant surveying board in your area. Additionally, some states may require additional qualifications or certifications, such as a Certificate IV in Spatial Information Services or a First Aid certification.
Head on over to this page to find out more about the specific qualifications required in your state.